[nycphp-talk] Connection to MySQL 4.1.X with php 5.0b2 running windows xp

Tim Gales tgales at
Mon Dec 8 10:38:33 EST 2003

Has anybody loaded the php_mysql extension under windows?
I wanted to test/experiment with something using a php client 
connection to MySQL 4.1.0 (alpha).

I am using a precompiled php 5.0b2
dated 30-Oct-2003.

If I check the dependencies of the php_mysql.dll
it seems like in the php4ts.dll library
'_zend_hash_add_or_update' and 'OnUpdateLong'
are both unresolved.

As a footnote both the php4ts.dll and the php_mysl.dll 
are the ones which came with the precompiled php 
(in a zip file)

Any ideas/comments would be appreciated.

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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