[nycphp-talk] need help..

Joshua S. Freeman jfreeman at
Wed Jun 11 07:57:20 EDT 2003

Hey Tracy,

Thanks a million.  A friend of mine was working on it last night. Let me see
where we're at later this morning and I'll let you know.

Thanks again.


On 6/11/03 2:38 AM, "Tracy" <tech_learner at> wrote:

> Shoot them in. if i can i'd definitely do it. i am idle at the moment. no pay
> plz!
> Tracy
> "Joshua S. Freeman" <jfreeman at> wrote:
> I've reached the limit of my abilities with the project I've been working
> on. A deadline is looming. I don't wish to fail. Is there anyone here who
> would be willing to help me by letting me mail them the .sql file and the
> php3 file that I'm working with and walk me over the last through
> hurdles?... I can pay SOMETHING.. we can negotiate.. for a skilled person it
> shouldn't take too long.. i just need to see a couple of examples of what to
> do...
> TIA,
> Please let me know OFF LIST if you'd like to sign up for this hand-holding
> assignment... Preferably, I'd like to start this evening..
> Thanks again.
> J.
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