[nycphp-talk] PHP/MySQL based solution for sending bulk email?

Steve Manes smanes at
Tue Mar 18 20:02:14 EST 2003

At 07:52 PM 3/17/2003 -0500, Steve Soler wrote:
>I have an opt-in email list of about 200,000 people.  I'm wondering if
>anyone knows of a shareware or commercial PHP/MySQL based solution for
>sending out bulk email.

Opt-out functionality aside, any decent mail server and a reasonably fast 
connection should be able to handle 200,000 outbound mails a day 
easily.  Stick all the addresses in a protected alias and post a message to 
it.  The mail server will do the rest.  This is essentially what I do with 
my topical mailing lists which, all totaled, is 8,000 20k+ boilerplate 
digests/day over a lowly residential DSL line.

Bulk emailers are mainly useful when you have multiple outbound mail 
servers and/or templated email and/or huge lists to support.  It's really 
more about your available bandwidth and tuning your mail server than need a 
front-end to an MTA, at least as far as message delivery is 
concerned.  Qmail brags that a single instance can handle 1 million 
outbound messages/day.  Postfix can probably do likewise.

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