Zend Studio questions - newbie

Jeff jsiegel1 at
Thu May 8 17:46:41 EDT 2003

Keep in mind that I'm coming from a Windows/DreamWeaver
here goes.

In DreamWeaver, files are automatically "FTP'ed" up to the server when
you preview them and, when you're done editing a file you tell it to
upload the file. I keep my files on local hard drive and upload when
editing is done.

So the question is, what's the equivalent in Zend Studio? I don't want
to edit the files directly on the server (then my local hard drive will
be out of sync with the files). So...if I edit my files locally, what's
the easiest way to get them up to the server? (I believe I had tried a
sort of drag-and-drop between the Project & Filesystem tab. However, a
file named about_us.php became about_us2.php when I did it this
way...maybe I'm overlooking something?)



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