[nycphp-talk] success!

louie louie at
Wed May 21 16:42:37 EDT 2003

greetings folks !

i dont know about you all but this thread for me
was like looking at a childbirth
from all the suggestion for a better delivery
to the slow labor of changing the subject
finally i can say "MAZAL TOV"
a line of working code was born in the wieght of 34  bytes

best regards,

i didnt recommended the book
just mention the publisher
so Uncredit me and keep up the good work
spreading php

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joshua S. Freeman" <jfreeman at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 4:14 PM
Subject: [nycphp-talk] success!

> well.. I didn't do it using 'foreach'.. but I did do it using some code
> chapter 17 of the wrox book that was recommended by louie...
> here's the working code:
> $query= mysql_query("select * FROM taxa_order");
> print ("<select name=\\"order\\">");
> while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($query)) {
> print "<option value=\\"$row[0]\\">$row[1]</option>";
> and the result:
> <select name="order"><option value="1">Hymenoptera</option>
> which is exactly what I was trying to do...
> now.. if only i could figure out how to get the same result using
> 'foreach'...
> J.
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