[nycphp-talk] PHP meets .NET

Jayesh Sheth jayeshsh at
Tue Feb 22 12:25:53 EST 2005

Guten Tag,

(Dan used hola, so I thought I would try something different too.)

I just saw this, and I thought it was pretty cool:

Here is some info. from their site. Very cool, in my opinion. Looks like 
it is only available for non-commercial use though (

Hope to see the regulars (and some new faces too) at the meeting tonight.

- Jay
Phlanger: the PHP Language Compiler for .NET Framework

Extends the .NET language family with PHP version 5

    * PHP code compiled into MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language)
      byte-code and metadata
    * compiled functions, classes and interfaces can be used from other
      .NET languages (like C#)
    * type inheritance preserved – each PHP class or interface
      declaration corresponds to one CLI type
    * PHP code can call methods declared in the Phalanger's Class
      Library (methods annotated by certain metadata are visible to PHP
    * classes defined in Phalanger's Class Library which inherits from
      common supertype (PhpObject) can be instantiated and inherited
      from PHP code
    * the Class Library can be extended by user code written in any .NET
      language provided some requirements are fulfilled

        Enables creation of ASP.NET applications made of existing PHP

    * development of ASP.NET web applications made up from existing PHP
    * scripts are compiled automatically and gradually as requests incoming
    * scripts are watched for modifications and recompilation is
      performed if necessary
    * enables web application to be configured using hierarchy of
      Web.config files
    * web server is not needed to be restarted when configuration changes

        Compiles PHP scripts to achieve a significant speed-up of
        application execution

    * compiled scripts run faster than interpreted ones and even those
      sped-up by PHP encoders (see benchmarks
    * console applications written in PHP are compiled into
      single-module executable .NET assemblies
    * libraries of PHP classes, interfaces, constants and functions are
      compiled into single-module .NET assemblies

        Provides .NET application developers with all the PHP libraries

    * more than 450 PHP functions implemented in the Phalanger Class Library
    * all PHP extensions are available to any other .NET language via
      managed wrappers
    * managed wrappers encapsulates native extension dlls with a managed
      layer hiding implementation details of extension dlls
    * native extensions can be hosted in separate process to isolate
      native code from web server's address space
    * communication with isolated extensions via .NET Remoting with
      shared memory channel

        Integrates the PHP language into Microsoft Visual Studio .NET

    * a new type of project for PHP console applications and libraries
    * syntax highlighting
    * syntax checking
    * integrated project building
    * simple tracing using compiler-generated debug symbols
      (experimental in this version)

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