[nycphp-talk] OT - Recommendatons for MySQL books?

Baer, Jon jbaer at
Mon Oct 2 11:08:58 EDT 2006

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Besides the books (which tend to get outdated pretty quickly as items
change in core code) ... I find the free webinars that they give every
month to be pretty much in depth and up to date w/ the latest info.  The
archive is good as well ..

Also the study guide for MySQL 5.0 certification is also a great
in-depth surprise for being a "study guide".

And subscribing to a few feeds @ helps.

- - Jon

- -----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Rob Marscher
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 10:08 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] OT - Recommendatons for MySQL books?

High Performance MySQL is one of my favorite books.  I just got Pro
MySQL because I wanted to learn a bit more about the newer MySQL
features like stored procedures and views.  It seems very thorough...
though I haven't gotten very deep into it yet.  It does have a chapter
on security.
- -Rob

tedd wrote:
> At 9:39 AM -0400 10/2/06, Aaron Fischer wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I'd like to invest in a book that focuses entirely on MySQL.  I have 
>> one book that looks at PHP/MySQL but I feel that there is a lot that 
>> I am missing.
>> My experience level/goals:
>> I'd like to learn about database design and the features of MySQL.  
>> I've been programming with PHP for about four years and working with 
>> MySQL for the same amount of time.  While my PHP skills have been 
>> growing I feel that my database skills have remained pretty flat.
>> For example, relational database design, primary keys, indexing, etc.
>> are all terms that I have varying degrees of familiarity with but I 
>> would like to learn much more about them.  There are some times that 
>> I am solving a problem with PHP and wondering if it would be more 
>> efficient if I used a feature in MySQL instead.
>> I'd be interested in a book that has a chapter on database security
as well.
>> Would appreciate any recommendations.  Thanks!
>> -Aaron
> MySQL Cookbook by Paul DuBois.
> That's a great book -- lot's of ways to use MySQL and thus learn 
> features, concepts, and design.
> If you want more in depth stuff, try:
> High Performance MySQL by Zawodny et al.
> Serious stuff.
> tedd
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