[nycphp-talk] Converting hex?

Flavio daCosta nyphp at
Wed Sep 6 11:11:41 EDT 2006

On 09/06/2006 11:00 AM, Flavio daCosta wrote:
> On 09/06/2006 10:34 AM, Jeff Loiselle wrote:
>> $response = str_replace('\x', '%', $response);
>> $response = urldecode($response);
> Note: If one relies on (icky) "magic_quotes_gpc = On" (who does this
> anymore, right?) you could get '\x27' in your request that, after the
> above two lines, would be an unescaped '

Ha, If I would have _read_ the whole thread, I would have seen that
'\x27' is exactly what you were trying to work with.  Sorry, it's just
that 'urldecode' is one of the _dangerous_ functions that I watch for
when auditing code and it jumped out at me in your earlier post.

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