[nycphp-talk] Xampp Mysql Connection Issues

David Krings ramons at
Wed Aug 8 12:50:39 EDT 2007

anan tette-tawia wrote:
> _*Issue*_
> I have been trying to learn php development by installing xampp on my 
> pc. The problem i am having is that i am able to save my php scripts and 
> run them successfully but when i started trying to write programs that 
> have to connect to the mysql database it started giving me all kinds of 
> errors.
> So my guess is that i am not being able to connect to the mysql db even 
> though phpmyadmin seems to be connecting to it. I tried reading all 
> these php forum tips on pinging mysql, etc but i dont seem to be making 
> any clear headway.
> Can anyone please HELP me by giving me some good tips on pinging and 
> troubleshooting my problem. Please find below a list of my environment 
> info ;

Your best bet is to download the tools from MySQL's website. PHPMyAdmin 
is a nice tool, but I am sure anyone will hit its limits after...ohhh, 
about five minutes. Since you can do whatever you want with your MySQL 
server create a database schema first, then create a user name and 
password, and for the time being assign that user full rights to that 
schema. Schemas are also called catalogs, MySQL Administrator isn't very 
consistent with that. Of course, adding at least one table to that 
schema will help a lot, otherwise you cannot do more than connect.

Hope this helps,


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