[nycphp-talk] Closing Tags or Not Closing Tags, that is my question...

David Krings ramons at
Mon Dec 17 22:19:35 EST 2007

mikesz at wrote:
> Hello and Greetings To All,
> "The closing PHP tag isn't required and actually stops people breaking
> things. We removed it intentionally, since some customers were adding
> whitespace to the end and getting blank pages / cookie errors."
> This was posted by a senior developer for a VERY popular PHP product.
> Any body care to comment on this, I am a little disturbed about where
> it came from having had the white space after the tag problem on more
> than one of the products I have had the joy to troubleshoot... but I
> don't think dropping the closing tag was ever a solution that I
> entertained. I just think its a poor and sloppy approach to problem
> solving. Any comments?

So how does the parser know where PHP ends and HTML starts?


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